Tuesday, May 18, 2010

complex UPDATE uses ANOTHER TABLE as the SOURCE of the data

A more complex update uses another table as the source of the data. This makes the UPDATE statement look like a combination of the UPDATE statement and the SELECT statement.

UPDATE TableName
SET Column2 = AnotherTable.Column3
FROM AnotherTable
WHERE TableName.Column1 = TableName.Column1

We can add joins into this as well, so that we can update more than one column from different tables at the same time.

UPDATE TableName
SET Column2 = AnotherTable.Column3,
Column3 = ThirdTable.Column2
FROM AnotherTable
JOIN ThirdTable ON AnotherTable.Column5 = ThirdTable.Column4
WHERE TableName.Column1 = TableName.Column1

I hope that you find this post useful. I encourage everyone to open up Books OnLine and read through the information on the UPDATE statement. It includes more examples, and some of the other options which are available to you.

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